Examine the Last Seven Words of Christ on the Cross this Lent.

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The most difficult part of Lent is, of course, contemplating our Savior on the cross: the physical pain, the humiliation, and the undeniable injustice. Our hearts break. It’s natural to try and avoid the reality of how Jesus died, but it is from the cross that Jesus shows his deepest love for us. As Jesus draws his final breath and utters his last words, it is then that his deep trust in the Father and his divine glory are revealed.

In Seven Words, Susan Robb looks at Christ’s final words from a biblical and historical perspective, showing how we can find life and hope in them.

Additional components for a six-week Lenten study include a comprehensive Leader Guide and a DVD featuring author Susan Robb.


Seven Words is part of Amplify Media’s First Look Program, where you can watch the first episode from some of our most in-demand studies completely free. Use this preview to plan out the coming months and find exactly the resources you want without any obligation to purchase them. Click to Watch the First Session!

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The perfect small-group Bible study experience!

Grab the book, DVD, and leader guide to create a six-week Lenten Bible study for small groups.

Bishop McKee talks 'Seven Words' with author Rev. Susan Robb

Bishop Michael McKee interviewed Rev. Susan Robb — senior associate minister at Highland Park UMC — about her latest book, Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross. Rev. Robb looks at the seven last words of Christ through a lens that finds life and hope in his final sayings while exploring each from a biblical and historical perspective


Last words often become lasting words more than just words said last. The Rev. Susan Robb has lifted up for us all the enduring power of the seven last words of Jesus. She shows us their perennial meaning, calling on us to live up to them ourselves in the long-lingering shadow of the cross even now.”

Rev. Dr. George A. Mason, Senior Pastor, Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, Author, Preparing the Pastors We Need: Reclaiming the Congregation’s Role in Training Clergy

Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross is a must-read during Lent. This is a new and fresh perspective on Jesus’ last words from the cross that also encourages the reader to reflect on one’s own discipleship as a follower of Christ.

Michael McKee, Resident Bishop, Dallas Area, North Texas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

Susan Robb’s Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross is a clear, eloquent, deeply felt guide to a Lenten journey that Is not afraid to walk through the valley on the way to Easter joy.  Seven Words is grounded in current Scriptural scholarship and graced by relatable stories, not only from the author’s personal and pastoral life, but also from history and contemporary culture. Whether used for individual devotion or small group study Seven Words will have the same effect:  increasing the understanding and inspiring the faith of readers.

Alyce M. McKenzie, Le Van Professor of Preaching and Worship, Director, Center for Preaching Excellence, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University is the author of Making a Scene in the Pulpit and Novel Preaching 

Lean in and listen to the life-giving words of a dying man. Within the pages of this Lenten study, author and pastor Susan Robb weaves together the four gospel accounts of Jesus’ words from the cross. With careful depth and insight Robb invites us to lean fully into our own human pain rather than resist what’s hard. For anyone journeying through the season of Lent a discovery awaits - promising that Jesus’ words were actually quite personal. Whether looking for a bible study or attempting to make sense of pandemic pain– Seven Words will press the faith of any reader deep into their daily lives. 

Rev. Rachel Billups, Senior Pastor, Ginghamsburg Church, Dayton. Author of Be Bold: Finding Your Fierce

I know the story well, but Susan Robb’s Seven Words gave me a rich perspective on the final hours before Jesus’s death. Susan weaves together the historical background, other biblical passages, and theological insights. But more importantly, she shows how Jesus’s final words should shape the way we live out our faith in the risen Christ.

 Mike Bonem, Consultant and Coach, author of Thriving in the Second Chair. 


Prepare. Reflect. Pray.

Lent is a season of reflection and preparation, commemorating the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert, preparing for his own ministry. We observe Lent by focusing on our relationships with God and growing as disciples. In this webinar series, A Season of Reflection: Lenten Studies to Prepare for Easter's Celebrations, three beloved pastors and authors – Magrey deVega, Adam Hamilton, and Susan Robb – join Nicole Caldwell-Gross in conversation about their new Bible studies.

Be inspired in your own ministry by these behind-the-scenes talks before you begin this year’s Lent and Easter celebrations with your own churches. Click here to learn more and register!

Susan Robb

Susan Robb is the Senior Associate Minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, where she has been part of the church staff for 17 years. God’s call to ministry led her to pursue a Master of Divinity degree at the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. She is the author of Called: Hearing and Responding to God's Grace. Susan’s area of expertise lies in writing and teaching Bible studies, and exploring the idea of listening to and responding to God’s call. She is married to Ike, and they have two children, Caroline and James.