Searching the Depths of God

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1 Corinthians is basically a letter Paul wrote to a people who were trying a wild new social experiment known as a Christian community. Centuries later, our churches deal with many of the same issues Paul addresses: factions, sexual immorality, gender issues, money concerns, theological questions, lawsuits, problems in worship, and problems in leadership.

In 1 Corinthians: Searching the Depths of God, Jaime Clark-Soles explores these topics and the awe-inspiring, breathtaking world of the first-century church. In this six-week study, you will learn to look at 1 Corinthians from a variety of viewpoints and apply its lessons to your own faith.

Although the book is a standalone resource, additional components for a six-week study include a DVD and a comprehensive Leader Guide.


1 Corinthians is part of Amplify Media’s First Look Program, where you can watch the first episode from some of our most in-demand studies completely free. Use this preview to plan out the coming months and find exactly the resources you want without any obligation to purchase them. Click to Watch the First Session!

The perfect small-group Bible study experience!

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Jaime Clark-Soles

Jaime Clark-Soles is Professor of New Testament and Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor at Perkins School of Theology. She speaks and preaches frequently in churches and contributes to various online resources, including She is the author of several books, including Reading John for Dear Life: A Spiritual Walk with the Fourth Gospel and Engaging the Word: The New Testament and the Christian Believer. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Religion and Disability. As an ordained Baptist minister, she has served in both parish and hospice settings.